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Do Outbound Links Affect SEO? Let’s Check it Out-

Do you hear a backlink in SEO? Well, if you are a professional online marketer or a business owner who has knowledge about SEO, then backlinks are no longer required an introduction. 

Just like backlinks an outbound link is as important as an inbound link to a webpage. 

It is important to know about an outbound link if you want to grow your business or if you want to improve your SEO knowledge. 

So, here in this article we will discuss about how an outbound link can impact your SEO strategy: 

We all know the value of a backlink or an incoming link, but what is the role of an outbound link in SEO? 

Let’s try to understand this with some following important terms. 

Backlink Vs Outbound Links- What’s the difference? 

A backlink is a link which has been made on a third party website with a hyperlink to your webpage. 

An outbound link is a hyperlink created on your webpage referring to another third party webpage. 

Internal Vs External Links 

An internal link is a hyperlink given from a webpage to another webpage within the same website. 

An External Link or Outbound link is given from your webpage to another third party website. 

Why are outbound or external links used? 

To understand the necessity of an outbound link, let check the below points: 

Intent Satisfaction: 

A well written content should be well researched before publishing, doing the deep research will help pitching the intent strongly, appropriate references can make it more worth and trustworthy. 

Creates a readers trust:

More references help you build trust among the readers, and makes a solid impact on their through process which is somewhere builds a trust and bond between the content and the reader. 

Adds extra value with most authoritative references: 

Adding more words will work or not but giving the appropriate references can help build not only visitors’ trust, but search engines also like the authoritative content which can help readers while understanding the intent of content clearly. 

It’s not only helps humans but machines as well: 

Giving the references also helps to understand search engine crawlers to manage your content like crawling, indexing and serving by giving you a suitable rank in SERP. 

Helps in ORM (online reputation management) for your brand:

Once your content gets viral among readers, it automatically builds trust, and reputation in front of search engines and you continuously gain the rankings in SERP. 

Help gaining the backlinks: 

It’s a kind of gesture as what you do what you get, if you give the reference to others, you will get the reference as a backlink from others. And it’s a win-win situation for both the end. 

Do outbound links affect your SEO? 

As per our understanding, yes to some extent, we do agree as outbound links affect the overall SEO performance and should be given in a balanced tone to grab the attention of search engines. 

Please make sure that your OBL (outbound link) score should not be higher as it gives the negative feedback to search engines as a paid link and considered wrong practice towards the standard search engine guidelines. 

There are lots of digital marketing influencers who have given their consent on the outbound linking and they have taken it positively, and agreed that giving outbound links can affect SEO positively.

Even if it is not giving any SEO boost to your website, don’t worry, it will not even harm your SEO. 

How to use outbound links in a proper way? 

Use proper Anchor Text 

Your anchor text should be descriptive and should make a sense of reference when you put outbound links on your website. 

Please select the well authoritative web pages while giving an outbound link. 

You should be more active while choosing a webpage for outbound links, please make sure the given reference is well written and researched, don’t give a reference to high OBL scoring sites or spammy sites. 

Use Dofollow and Nofollow attributes smartly. 

You should be more open minded while choosing a webpage for outbound links. There is no need to go for nofollow all the time, you can create a dofollow link as well which is natural in reference to the search engines.

If you do have any doubts, do comment below to get your query answered. Do subscribe our newsletter to get latest updates of digital world.

Manish Mishra

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